Unfortunatley due to the Covid-19 pandemic, new photos were not possible this year. However, MUBC would like to wish all of its new committee members the best of luck in tackling the many challenges faced as a result of the unique circumstances this year!
Executive Committee
President: Lucy Loughlan
Secretary: Matthew Layton
Treasurer: Miara Pipe
Captain: Stan Schofield
Auxiliary Committee
Safety and Equipment Officer
Tegan Pooley
Press Relations and Fundraising Secretary
Danny Crofton
Wellbeing Officer
Rebecca Meenagh
Social Secretary
Lauren Auchterlonie
Recreational Rowing Officer
Darioush Jalili
Vice Captain (Coxes)
Chloe Coomasaru
Vice Captain (Senior Men)
Ben Gompertz
Vice Captain (Senior Women)
Alice Beacom
Vice Captain (Novice Men)
Robert Mercer
Vice Captain (Novice Women)
Frances Austin